Many people have bad habits, and whether we want to break them or not, they’re likely unhealthy for us. In fact, most of America has one bad habit or another, as you’ll find out today. If you have one of these bad habits, we’re going to cover exactly why it’s bad for you and just how common it is. We’re pointing out these common bad habits to remove some of the shame that they may carry, because you’re not the only one who does it. At the same time, we want to show you the damage these habits can create. If you need help quitting them, you may be comfortable asking for help.

Smoking and Drinking Too Much

Smoking and drinking are two vices that can easily be leaned on in excess and are some of the most discussed. Even though statistics for both are declining, nearly 38 million Americans still smoke and roughly 40 percent of adults who drink, admit to drinking too much. Luckily, with how common and well-publicized the dangers are for both, there are many programs and ways to quit if you have a problem. If you do either of these, though, and still don’t want to quit, you may be wondering what the dangers are. If it crosses the line into addiction, it’s time to get help.

Nearly 38 million Americans still smoke, and roughly 40 percent of adults who drink admit to drinking too much.

Smoking is perhaps, one of the most talked about bad habits. According to the CDC, “smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causes many diseases, and reduces the health of smokers in general.” It causes lung cancer, shortens your life, and increases your chance of going blind. And these are only a few negative effects of smoking.

Indulging in alcohol is a little murkier, since there are some health benefits of drinking in moderation, especially with certain drinks like red wine. However, once your drinking becomes excessive, these benefits disappear. Overindulging in alcohol can put you at risk for injuries and illness like certain cancers, heart disease, and dementia.

Mindless Snacking

While less damaging to your body than smoking or alcohol abuse, mindless snacking can still wreak havoc on your body. If you’re a snacker, you’re not alone. A 2015 survey by Mintel found that 94 percent of Americans snack daily, with 62 percent of those snacking because of a craving, not because they’re hungry. Luckily, there are ways to curb snacking and avoid the negatives.

While healthy snacking can be part of a healthy diet, more often than not, it’s a hinderance. This is largely due to snacking on unhealthy items, like chips or chocolate. The advantage of these over healthy snacks is that they tend to be more readily available, while the fat and sugar are calorie-laden, makes them taste really good. If you’re snacking for a craving, these will likely fulfill it. The snacks add extra calories to your diet that you may not have accounted for.

One study found that Americans snacking at the office had an average of 1,277 extra calories a week!

Extra calories can easily get away from you if you’re mindlessly munching on a bag of chips, allowing you to lose track of your caloric intake. In fact, one study found that Americans snacking at the office had an average of 1,277 extra calories a week! Those calories can substantially derail your diet, and unless your careful, can lead to weight gain. Having an unhealthy weight presents its own health risks, especially for seniors. This makes mindless snacking and a successful weight loss plan virtually incompatible.

Nail Biting

Nail biting, clinically known as onychophagia, is a common bad habit that affects roughly 20 to 30 percent of the population. While it’s more common in teenagers, people across all age groups are guilty of this habit. Nail biting has long been associated with anxiety, but that’s not necessarily the full story. There can be many triggers for this behavior, from boredom to perfectionism to evolutionary grooming habits. This is just a harmless, but unhygienic habit, right?

Besides the instance where you bite your nails too low and cause bleeding and pain, it’s also unhygienic and can make you sick. Biting your nails can also damage the tissue around the nails and cause them to grow in odd. Beyond growth damage, in the immediate aftermath, your nails can look mangled and unkept.

The extent to which nail biting can damage your teeth is understated.

Perhaps the worst damage nail biting can do isn’t immediately visible. The extent to which nail biting can damage your teeth is understated. For one, nail biting can lead to bruxism, which damages the teeth through grinding or clenching. It can also chip or crack the teeth and may even lead to jaw dysfunction.

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Whether you’re a nail biter, an excessive eater, or a smoker, you probably have a habit that would be best to kick to the curb. But, knowing how common these habits are shows you’re not alone in your struggle and may allow you to find help and support in quitting.

If you’re looking to finally quit these old habits, you’re in luck! It’s not impossible, though it does take will power and a good strategy. When you consider the health and cosmetic negatives associated with each bad habit, you should have all the more reason to give them up.