Vinegar is an important ingredient for many recipes or a condiment for fries and chips. If you’ve been paying attention to health trends, you may have noticed that some people are now drinking the stuff! This may seem bonkers to anyone who has tasted vinegar on its own, but there are some real health benefits.

In fact, the history of drinking vinegar goes all the way back to antiquity. Roman soldiers and slaves would often mix vinegar with water for a refreshing drink, and many believed it had medicinal purposes. People continued using it until World War I, when more effective methods were introduced. And to this day, vinegar remains a home remedy.

This new trend of drinking apple cider vinegar is specifically en vogue due to a renewed focus on the cosmetic and health benefits. With as little as a shot a day, you can start to see positive changes inside and out.

Cosmetic Benefits

The benefits of using apple cider vinegar go well beyond internal uses. One of the reasons many people use apple cider vinegar is entirely cosmetic. One writer reported extra luminosity to her skin after drinking apple cider vinegar. If you’re not in the mood to drink the vinegar, you can still benefit from using it! Apple cider vinegar can fight acne and blemishes, oily skin, and a litany of other cosmetic issues. You can even use apple cider vinegar to bring relief to itchy bug bites.

Health Benefits

Most people drink apple cider vinegar for the health benefits, though. One of the most talked about is weight loss. A shot of apple cider vinegar a day can really kick-start your weight loss journey. First, apple cider vinegar increases your satiety, or how full you feel. One study found that apple cider vinegar can help you eat 200 to 275 calories less each day! One of the primary chemicals in apple cider vinegar, acetic acid, can also be influential in weight loss. Studies show that acetic acid triggers enzymes to break down fat cells and reduce body fat.

One study found that apple cider vinegar can help you eat 200 to 275 calories less each day!

Combats High Blood Sugar and Diabetes

If you’re concerned about your blood sugar levels or diabetes, you can try adding apple cider vinegar to your diet. Consult your doctor beforehand, however, since apple cider vinegar and certain medications may have adverse effects when taken without moderation. Of all the benefits of apple cider vinegar, this is perhaps the most studied.

It can improve insulin sensitivity and responses, lowering blood sugar levels.

Apple cider vinegar is highly effective at combating high blood sugar. It can also improve insulin sensitivity and insulin responses, which helps lower blood sugar levels. There’s a reason apple cider vinegar is included in many healthy diabetic diets.

Do Your Heart a Favor

Apple cider vinegar is also effective at lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

Finally, apple cider vinegar is really good for your heart health. One study shows that women who eat vinegar-based salad dressings have a reduced risk of heart disease. Apple cider vinegar is also effective at lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, which all improve heart health.

Things to Keep in Mind

So, before you start knocking back apple cider vinegar, there are a few things you should know. You should NOT drink the apple cider straight. The acidity that can be so beneficial can also cause a lot of damage on the way down. That’s right. Drinking vinegar alone can cause second-degree burns in your esophagus and stomach!

Don’t drink apple cider vinegar straight! It can cause second-degree burns and damage your teeth.

That same acid can ruin your tooth enamel, which causes tooth sensitivity. Furthermore, by thinning the enamel, the yellowish dentin becomes more visible, making the teeth appear stained.

You can prevent these outcomes with two simple tips. First, dilute the vinegar with something, usually water. You can also try mixing it with juices, flavored seltzer waters, or even a salad dressing. The mixture ratio differs, but the suggestions are 8 to 2 or 10 to 1 (liquid to vinegar). You should also use a straw to drink it. While not 100 percent effective, it can help the vinegar bypass your teeth, which offers some protection from dental damage.

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There are many other reported health benefits of apple cider vinegar, but it’s worth noting that some of the results aren’t definitive and it’s not a miracle cure.

While the evidence compiled forms a convincing case, as always, check with your doctor to find out if adding a daily dose of vinegar to your diet will be good for you.