We’ve become a nation of the sleep deprived. In 2013, as many as 70 million Americans were living with sleep or wakefulness disorders. The numbers have only grown as sleep has become less of a priority in the go-go-go modern America.

The statistics are even more jarring for senior citizens. Insomnia alone affects almost 50 percent of seniors. This has led the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to declare poor sleep a “public health problem.” But why is it such a problem if you feel a little tired in the morning?

A Worn-Down Body

A chronic lack of sleep can be debilitating. Diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure are among the downsides of poor sleep.

Sleep deficiency can have even more detrimental effects, such as increasing your risk of stroke. A lack of sleep also weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses.

A Worn-Out Mind

The negatives of poor sleep aren’t just physical. Studies have shown that sleep disorders lead to a wide range of mental health issues.

Chronic depression is the most prevalent, but anxiety and memory loss issues are also common. These symptoms create more stress and a lower quality of life.

Happy, Healthy, and Sharp

On the flip side, a good night’s sleep has long-reaching benefits. Being well-rested leads to a greater positivity, happiness, and mental sharpness.

A good night’s sleep means you feel less stress, less anxiety, and are more productive.

This means you feel less stress, less anxiety, and are more productive. A good night’s sleep also helps regulate appetite and can help you to maintain a healthy diet.

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If you’re getting a good night’s sleep, you can rest easy knowing the long-lasting benefits you’re doing for your body. If you are among the millions who have trouble sleeping, it’s not too late to fix that. If you’re ready to learn how to fall asleep easier and improve your sleep schedule, try reading “Trouble Sleeping? Worry No More With These Tips.”

Further Reading

The National Academies of Press — Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation: An Unmet Public Health Problem, Chapter 3
National Geographic Channel — Sleepless in America